My initial feelings prior to starting my transgender transition where numerous all of them seemed negative and they certainly where detrimental to a good state of mind and they interfered with my everyday ability to function at home or work. This is still a problem for most people progressing with transgender transition as the wait can be very long sometime due to financial problems, long waiting lists, or family pressures which cause us to become depressed, withdrawn, and anxious which are symptoms of gender dysphoria. I can remember back to the day that I visited the gender identity clinic in London and was told that I would be starting hormone replacement therapy, this was one of the best days in my life and it had taken almost 3 years from starting my transition to arrive at. I know for me that when I had my initial referral from the local hospital to the gender identity clinic that I was relieved the process of psychological assessment leading to gender confirmation surgery was at last underway, it would therefore only be a matter of time. The early days of transgender transition can be a frustrating time for many of us, what seems like an endless wait to get confirmation from various medical bodies to start living our lives in the correct gender. 10 Tips to Feel Like A Girl Prior To Transgender Transition